As we continue to live our lives under lock-down, now into week 6, we begin to see the vast economic and social impact that this virus has on us globally and locally. Every day is filled with new realisations and the notion of getting back to “normal” is making way for thoughts on how to create the “new normal”. Like all big events in history, this too will change the way we conduct business going forward.
If your passion lies with Tourism, please do not give up!! Passion is such a necessary ingredient to a successful business, and this is not one you can study for, download a template for or buy online. Wanderlust is part of human nature and will never disappear. As a country and a region, we have so much to offer, including many bucket-list items for millions of people. It may take a while, but the travelers will return!
Humankind is so amazing and we have all seen so many new initiatives sharing experiences from around the world. One of these is the Facebook page View from my window : https://www.facebook.com/groups/viewfrommywindow/ Here you will find some beautiful, some inspiring and some very real views from all corners of the globe.
In the meanwhile, we must streamline our businesses, stay in touch with our clients, incorporate available technology and diversify if need be.
We have expanded our Health and Hygiene category with essentials for our new reality. Our safety kit consists of a compact drawstring bag with a mask and hand-sanitiser – ideal for corporate companies to give to their staff. It also forms part of the crucial preparation for when we open our doors again to host events, tourists and guests. Similar to how Capetonians have changed and maintained their water-usage habits post the drought, these hygiene precautions will remain relevant post Covid 19.
If you feel industrious and would like to make your own mask, please visit the links below:
Our safety kit is brandable and a ready-to-go hygiene solution
New on board is the re-usable shwe-shwe and upmarket recycled paper and cotton masks
Other items to add to your safety kit:
Pocket Tissues (Brandable)
Wipes (Brandable)
Let us know what you are up to during these challenging times, we would love to hear from you! Stay safe, stay positive, believe in yourself and reach out to those in need. Until next time.